develop golang with IntelliJ IDEA

Table of Contents

normally, I write small go projects with emacs and gocode

but idea is also a good choice


download idea community version

download idea from IntelliJ official website

download go-lang-idea-plugin

download from github


open go-lang-idea-plugin with idea

File -> Project Structure


Platform Settings -> SDKs

set the following environment variables sequently:

  • JDK
  • Go SDK
  • IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK


Project Settings -> Modules -> intellij-go

set Module SDK as IntelliJ IDEA IU-xxxx


Project Settings -> Project

set Project SDK as IntelliJ IDEA IU-xxxx

press apply -> ok to save configurations

generate jar

from menubar

Build -> Prepare Plugin Module 'intellij-go' for Deployment


File -> Settings -> Plugins -> Install plugin from disk

enjoy it.

Author: sanye

Exported At 2021-02-24 Wed 23:51. Created by Emacs 26.1 (Org mode 9.4)