

struct MyStruct {
    number: usize,

fn main() {}


struct ThingsToAdd {
    first_thing: u32,
    second_thing: f32,

fn main() {}


fn main() {
// 🚧
let result = self.second_thing + self.first_thing as f32


fn main() {
// 🚧
let result = self.second_thing as u32 + self.first_thing



struct Animal { // A simple struct - an Animal only has a name
    name: String,

trait Dog { // The dog trait gives some functionality
    fn bark(&self) { // It can bark
        println!("Woof woof!");
    fn run(&self) { // and it can run
        println!("The dog is running!");

impl Dog for Animal {} // Now Animal has the trait Dog

fn main() {
    let rover = Animal {
        name: "Rover".to_string(),

    rover.bark(); // Now Animal can use bark()
    rover.run();  // and it can use run()

这个是可以的,但是我们不想打印 "狗在跑"。如果你想的话,你可以改变trait给你的方法,但你必须有相同的签名。这意味着它需要接受同样的东西,并返回同样的东西。例如,我们可以改变 .run() 的方法,但我们必须遵循签名。签名说

fn main() {
// 🚧
fn run(&self) {
    println!("The dog is running!");

fn run(&self)的意思是 "fn run()&self为参数,不返回任何内容"。所以你不能这样做:

fn main() {
fn run(&self) -> i32 { // ⚠️


   = note: expected fn pointer `fn(&Animal)`
              found fn pointer `fn(&Animal) -> i32`


struct Animal { // A simple struct - an Animal only has a name
    name: String,

trait Dog { // The dog trait gives some functionality
    fn bark(&self) { // It can bark
        println!("Woof woof!");
    fn run(&self) { // and it can run
        println!("The dog is running!");

impl Dog for Animal {
    fn run(&self) {
        println!("{} is running!", self.name);

fn main() {
    let rover = Animal {
        name: "Rover".to_string(),

    rover.bark(); // Now Animal can use bark()
    rover.run();  // and it can use run()

现在它打印的是 Rover is running!。这是好的,因为我们返回的是 (),或者说什么都没有,这就是trait所说的。

当你写一个trait的时候,你可以直接写函数签名,但如果你这样做,用户将不得不写函数实现。我们来试试。现在我们把bark()run()改成只说fn bark(&self);fn run(&self);。这不是一个完整的函数实现,所以必须由用户来写。

struct Animal {
    name: String,

trait Dog {
    fn bark(&self); // bark() says it needs a &self and returns nothing
    fn run(&self); // run() says it needs a &self and returns nothing.
                   // So now we have to write them ourselves.

impl Dog for Animal {
    fn bark(&self) {
        println!("{}, stop barking!!", self.name);
    fn run(&self) {
        println!("{} is running!", self.name);

fn main() {
    let rover = Animal {
        name: "Rover".to_string(),


所以,当你创建一个trait时,你必须思考:"我应该写哪些功能?而用户应该写哪些函数?" 如果你认为用户每次使用函数的方式应该是一样的,那么就把函数写出来。如果你认为用户会以不同的方式使用,那就写出函数签名即可。


struct Cat {
    name: String,
    age: u8,

fn main() {
    let mr_mantle = Cat {
        name: "Reggie Mantle".to_string(),
        age: 4,


struct Cat {
    name: String,
    age: u8,

fn main() {
    let mr_mantle = Cat {
        name: "Reggie Mantle".to_string(),
        age: 4,

    println!("Mr. Mantle is a {:?}", mr_mantle);


Mr. Mantle is a Cat { name: "Reggie Mantle", age: 4 }


use std::fmt;

struct Position {
    longitude: f32,
    latitude: f32,

impl fmt::Display for Position {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "({}, {})", self.longitude, self.latitude)

fn main() {}


use std::fmt;

struct Cat {
    name: String,
    age: u8,

impl fmt::Display for Cat {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{} is a cat who is {} years old.", self.name, self.age)

fn main() {}

让我们添加一个fn main()。现在我们的代码是这样的。

use std::fmt;

struct Cat {
    name: String,
    age: u8,

impl fmt::Display for Cat {
  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
      write!(f, "{} is a cat who is {} years old.", self.name, self.age)

fn main() {
    let mr_mantle = Cat {
        name: "Reggie Mantle".to_string(),
        age: 4,

    println!("{}", mr_mantle);

成功了! 现在,当我们使用{}打印时,我们得到Reggie Mantle is a cat who is 4 years old.。这看起来好多了。


use std::fmt;
struct Cat {
    name: String,
    age: u8,

impl fmt::Display for Cat {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{} is a cat who is {} years old.", self.name, self.age)

fn print_cats(pet: String) {
    println!("{}", pet);

fn main() {
    let mr_mantle = Cat {
        name: "Reggie Mantle".to_string(),
        age: 4,

    print_cats(mr_mantle.to_string()); // Turn him into a String here
    println!("Mr. Mantle's String is {} letters long.", mr_mantle.to_string().chars().count()); // Turn him into chars and count them


Reggie Mantle is a cat who is 4 years old.
Mr. Mantle's String is 42 letters long.

关于trait,要记住的是,它们是关于某些东西的行为。你的struct是如何行动的?它能做什么?这就是trait的作用。如果你想想我们到目前为止所看到的一些trait,它们都是关于行为的:Copy是一个类型可以做的事情。Display也是一个类型能做的事情。ToString是另一个trait,它也是一个类型可以做的事情:它可以变化成一个String。在我们的 Dog trait中,Dog这个词并不意味着你能做的事情,但它给出了一些让它做事情的方法。 你也可以为 struct Poodlestruct Beagle 实现它,它们都会得到 Dog 方法。


struct Monster {
    health: i32,

struct Wizard {}
struct Ranger {}

trait FightClose {
    fn attack_with_sword(&self, opponent: &mut Monster) {
        opponent.health -= 10;
            "You attack with your sword. Your opponent now has {} health left.",
    fn attack_with_hand(&self, opponent: &mut Monster) {
        opponent.health -= 2;
            "You attack with your hand. Your opponent now has {} health left.",
impl FightClose for Wizard {}
impl FightClose for Ranger {}

trait FightFromDistance {
    fn attack_with_bow(&self, opponent: &mut Monster, distance: u32) {
        if distance < 10 {
            opponent.health -= 10;
                "You attack with your bow. Your opponent now has {} health left.",
    fn attack_with_rock(&self, opponent: &mut Monster, distance: u32) {
        if distance < 3 {
            opponent.health -= 4;
            "You attack with your rock. Your opponent now has {} health left.",
impl FightFromDistance for Ranger {}

fn main() {
    let radagast = Wizard {};
    let aragorn = Ranger {};

    let mut uruk_hai = Monster { health: 40 };

    radagast.attack_with_sword(&mut uruk_hai);
    aragorn.attack_with_bow(&mut uruk_hai, 8);


You attack with your sword. Your opponent now has 30 health left.
You attack with your bow. Your opponent now has 20 health left.

我们在trait里面一直传递self,但是我们现在不能用它做什么。那是因为 Rust 不知道什么类型会使用它。它可能是一个 Wizard,也可能是一个 Ranger,也可能是一个叫做 Toefocfgetobjtnode 的新结构,或者其他任何东西。为了让self具有一定的功能,我们可以在trait中添加必要的trait。比如说,如果我们想用{:?}打印,那么我们就需要Debug。你只要把它写在:(冒号)后面,就可以把它添加到trait中。现在我们的代码是这样的。

struct Monster {
    health: i32,

#[derive(Debug)] // Now Wizard has Debug
struct Wizard {
    health: i32, // Now Wizard has health
#[derive(Debug)] // So does Ranger
struct Ranger {
    health: i32, // So does Ranger

trait FightClose: std::fmt::Debug { // Now a type needs Debug to use FightClose
    fn attack_with_sword(&self, opponent: &mut Monster) {
        opponent.health -= 10;
            "You attack with your sword. Your opponent now has {} health left. You are now at: {:?}", // We can now print self with {:?} because we have Debug
            opponent.health, &self
    fn attack_with_hand(&self, opponent: &mut Monster) {
        opponent.health -= 2;
            "You attack with your hand. Your opponent now has {} health left.  You are now at: {:?}",
            opponent.health, &self
impl FightClose for Wizard {}
impl FightClose for Ranger {}

trait FightFromDistance: std::fmt::Debug { // We could also do trait FightFromDistance: FightClose because FightClose needs Debug
    fn attack_with_bow(&self, opponent: &mut Monster, distance: u32) {
        if distance < 10 {
            opponent.health -= 10;
                "You attack with your bow. Your opponent now has {} health left.  You are now at: {:?}",
                opponent.health, self
    fn attack_with_rock(&self, opponent: &mut Monster, distance: u32) {
        if distance < 3 {
            opponent.health -= 4;
            "You attack with your rock. Your opponent now has {} health left.  You are now at: {:?}",
            opponent.health, self
impl FightFromDistance for Ranger {}

fn main() {
    let radagast = Wizard { health: 60 };
    let aragorn = Ranger { health: 80 };

    let mut uruk_hai = Monster { health: 40 };

    radagast.attack_with_sword(&mut uruk_hai);
    aragorn.attack_with_bow(&mut uruk_hai, 8);


You attack with your sword. Your opponent now has 30 health left. You are now at: Wizard { health: 60 }
You attack with your bow. Your opponent now has 20 health left.  You are now at: Ranger { health: 80 }

在真实的游戏中,可能最好为每个类型重写这个,因为You are now at: Wizard { health: 60 }看起来有点可笑。这也是为什么trait里面的方法通常很简单,因为你不知道什么类型会使用它。例如,你不能写出 self.0 += 10 这样的东西。但是这个例子表明,我们可以在我们正在写的trait里面使用其他的trait。当我们这样做的时候,我们会得到一些我们可以使用的方法。

另外一种使用trait的方式是使用所谓的trait bounds。意思是 "通过一个trait进行限制"。trait限制很简单,因为一个trait实际上不需要任何方法,或者说根本不需要任何东西。让我们用类似但不同的东西重写我们的代码。这次我们的trait没有任何方法,但我们有其他需要trait使用的函数。

use std::fmt::Debug;  // So we don't have to write std::fmt::Debug every time now

struct Monster {
    health: i32,

struct Wizard {
    health: i32,
struct Ranger {
    health: i32,

trait Magic{} // No methods for any of these traits. They are just trait bounds
trait FightClose {}
trait FightFromDistance {}

impl FightClose for Ranger{} // Each type gets FightClose,
impl FightClose for Wizard {}
impl FightFromDistance for Ranger{} // but only Ranger gets FightFromDistance
impl Magic for Wizard{}  // and only Wizard gets Magic

fn attack_with_bow<T: FightFromDistance + Debug>(character: &T, opponent: &mut Monster, distance: u32) {
    if distance < 10 {
        opponent.health -= 10;
            "You attack with your bow. Your opponent now has {} health left.  You are now at: {:?}",
            opponent.health, character

fn attack_with_sword<T: FightClose + Debug>(character: &T, opponent: &mut Monster) {
    opponent.health -= 10;
        "You attack with your sword. Your opponent now has {} health left. You are now at: {:?}",
        opponent.health, character

fn fireball<T: Magic + Debug>(character: &T, opponent: &mut Monster, distance: u32) {
    if distance < 15 {
        opponent.health -= 20;
        println!("You raise your hands and cast a fireball! Your opponent now has {} health left. You are now at: {:?}",
    opponent.health, character);

fn main() {
    let radagast = Wizard { health: 60 };
    let aragorn = Ranger { health: 80 };

    let mut uruk_hai = Monster { health: 40 };

    attack_with_sword(&radagast, &mut uruk_hai);
    attack_with_bow(&aragorn, &mut uruk_hai, 8);
    fireball(&radagast, &mut uruk_hai, 8);


You attack with your sword. Your opponent now has 30 health left. You are now at: Wizard { health: 60 }
You attack with your bow. Your opponent now has 20 health left.  You are now at: Ranger { health: 80 }
You raise your hands and cast a fireball! Your opponent now has 0 health left. You are now at: Wizard { health: 60 }



From trait


From<&'_ [T]>
From<&'_ mut [T]>
From<&'_ str>
From<&'a Vec<T>>
From<[T; N]>
From<Cow<'a, [T]>>


use std::fmt::Display; // We will make a generic function to print them so we want Display

fn print_vec<T: Display>(input: &Vec<T>) { // Take any Vec<T> if type T has Display
    for item in input {
        print!("{} ", item);

fn main() {

    let array_vec = Vec::from([8, 9, 10]); // Try from an array

    let str_vec = Vec::from("What kind of vec will I be?"); // An array from a &str? This will be interesting

    let string_vec = Vec::from("What kind of vec will a String be?".to_string()); // Also from a String


8 9 10
87 104 97 116 32 107 105 110 100 32 111 102 32 118 101 99 32 119 105 108 108 32 73 32 98 101 63
87 104 97 116 32 107 105 110 100 32 111 102 32 118 101 99 32 119 105 108 108 32 97 32 83 116 114 105 110 103 32 98 101 63


我们将创建两个结构体,然后为其中一个结构体实现From。一个结构体将是City,另一个结构体将是Country。我们希望能够做到这一点。let country_name = Country::from(vector_of_cities).


#[derive(Debug)] // So we can print City
struct City {
    name: String,
    population: u32,

impl City {
    fn new(name: &str, population: u32) -> Self { // just a new function
        Self {
            name: name.to_string(),
#[derive(Debug)] // Country also needs to be printed
struct Country {
    cities: Vec<City>, // Our cities go in here

impl From<Vec<City>> for Country { // Note: we don't have to write From<City>, we can also do
                                   // From<Vec<City>>. So we can also implement on a type that
                                   // we didn't create
    fn from(cities: Vec<City>) -> Self {
        Self { cities }

impl Country {
    fn print_cities(&self) { // function to print the cities in Country
        for city in &self.cities {
            // & because Vec<City> isn't Copy
            println!("{:?} has a population of {:?}.", city.name, city.population);

fn main() {
    let helsinki = City::new("Helsinki", 631_695);
    let turku = City::new("Turku", 186_756);

    let finland_cities = vec![helsinki, turku]; // This is the Vec<City>
    let finland = Country::from(finland_cities); // So now we can use From



"Helsinki" has a population of 631695.
"Turku" has a population of 186756.


use std::convert::From;

struct EvenOddVec(Vec<Vec<i32>>);

impl From<Vec<i32>> for EvenOddVec {
    fn from(input: Vec<i32>) -> Self {
        let mut even_odd_vec: Vec<Vec<i32>> = vec![vec![], vec![]]; // A vec with two empty vecs inside
                                                                    // This is the return value but first we must fill it
        for item in input {
            if item % 2 == 0 {
            } else {
        Self(even_odd_vec) // Now it is done so we return it as Self (Self = EvenOddVec)

fn main() {
    let bunch_of_numbers = vec![8, 7, -1, 3, 222, 9787, -47, 77, 0, 55, 7, 8];
    let new_vec = EvenOddVec::from(bunch_of_numbers);

    println!("Even numbers: {:?}\nOdd numbers: {:?}", new_vec.0[0], new_vec.0[1]);


Even numbers: [8, 222, 0, 8]
Odd numbers: [7, -1, 3, 9787, -47, 77, 55, 7]

EvenOddVec 这样的类型可能最好是通用 T,这样我们就可以使用许多数字类型。如果你想练习的话,你可以试着把这个例子做成通用的。


有时你想让一个函数可以同时接受 String&str。你可以通过泛型和 AsRef 特性来实现这一点。AsRef 用于从一个类型向另一个类型提供引用。如果你看看 String 的文档,你可以看到它对许多类型都有 AsRef




fn main() {
// 🚧
impl AsRef<str> for String

fn as_ref(&self) -> &str


fn main() {
// 🚧
impl AsRef<[u8]> for String

fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8]


fn main() {
// 🚧
impl AsRef<OsStr> for String

fn as_ref(&self) -> &OsStr



fn print_it<T>(input: T) {
    println!("{}", input) // ⚠️

fn main() {
    print_it("Please print me");

Rust说error[E0277]: T doesn't implement std::fmt::Display。所以我们会要求T实现Display。

use std::fmt::Display;

fn print_it<T: Display>(input: T) {
    println!("{}", input)

fn main() {
    print_it("Please print me");

现在可以用了,打印出Please print me。这是好的,但T仍然可以是多种类型。 可以是i8,也可以是f32,或者其他任何实现了Display的类型。我们加上AsRef<str>,现在T需要AsRef<str>Display

use std::fmt::Display;

fn print_it<T: AsRef<str> + Display>(input: T) {
    println!("{}", input)

fn main() {
    print_it("Please print me");
    print_it("Also, please print me".to_string());
    // print_it(7); <- This will not print


不要忘了,当函数变长时,你可以用where来写不同的函数。如果我们加上Debug,那么就会变成fn print_it<T: AsRef<str> + Display + Debug>(input: T),这一行就很长了。所以我们可以这样写。

use std::fmt::{Debug, Display}; // add Debug

fn print_it<T>(input: T) // Now this line is easy to read
    T: AsRef<str> + Debug + Display, // and these traits are easy to read
    println!("{}", input)

fn main() {
    print_it("Please print me");
    print_it("Also, please print me".to_string());