
注释是给程序员看的,而不是给电脑看的。写注释是为了帮助别人理解你的代码。 这也有利于帮助你以后理解你的代码。 (很多人写了很好的代码,但后来却忘记了他们为什么要写它。)在Rust中写注释,你通常使用 //

fn main() {
    // Rust programs start with fn main()
    // You put the code inside a block. It starts with { and ends with }
    let some_number = 100; // We can write as much as we want here and the compiler won't look at it



fn main() {
    let some_number/*: i16*/ = 100;

对编译器来说,let some_number/*: i16*/ = 100;看起来像let some_number = 100;

/* */形式对于超过一行的非常长的注释也很有用。在这个例子中,你可以看到你需要为每一行写//。但是如果您输入 /*,它不会停止,直到您用 */ 完成它。

fn main() {
    let some_number = 100; /* Let me tell you
    a little about this number.
    It's 100, which is my favourite number.
    It's called some_number but actually I think that... */

    let some_number = 100; // Let me tell you
    // a little about this number.
    // It's 100, which is my favourite number.
    // It's called some_number but actually I think that...