
类型推导的意思是,如果你不告诉编译器类型,但它可以自己决定,它就会决定。编译器总是需要知道变量的类型,但你并不总是需要告诉它。实际上,通常你不需要告诉它。例如,对于let my_number = 8my_number将是一个i32。这是因为如果你不告诉它,编译器会选择i32作为整数。但是如果你说let my_number: u8 = 8,它就会把my_number变成u8,因为你告诉它u8


  1. 你正在做一些非常复杂的事情,而编译器不知道你想要的类型。
  2. 你想要一个不同的类型(例如,你想要一个i128,而不是i32)。


fn main() {
    let small_number: u8 = 10;


fn main() {
    let small_number = 10u8; // 10u8 = 10 of type u8


fn main() {
    let small_number = 10_u8; // This is easier to read
    let big_number = 100_000_000_i32; // 100 million is easy to read with _


fn main() {
    let number = 0________u8;
    let number2 = 1___6______2____4______i32;
    println!("{}, {}", number, number2);

这样打印出的是0, 1624



fn main() {
    let my_float = 5.; // Rust sees . and knows that it is a float



fn main() {
    let my_float: f64 = 5.0; // This is an f64
    let my_other_float: f32 = 8.5; // This is an f32

    let third_float = my_float + my_other_float; // ⚠️


error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src\main.rs:5:34
5 |     let third_float = my_float + my_other_float;
  |                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `f64`, found `f32`

当你使用错误的类型时,编译器会写 "expected (type), found (type)"。它这样读取你的代码。

fn main() {
    let my_float: f64 = 5.0; // The compiler sees an f64
    let my_other_float: f32 = 8.5; // The compiler sees an f32. It is a different type.
    let third_float = my_float + // You want to add my_float to something, so it must be an f64 plus another f64. Now it expects an f64...
    let third_float = my_float + my_other_float;  // ⚠️ but it found an f32. It can't add them.

所以,当你看到 "expected(type),found(type)"时,你必须找到为什么编译器预期的是不同的类型。


fn main() {
    let my_float: f64 = 5.0;
    let my_other_float: f32 = 8.5;

    let third_float = my_float + my_other_float as f64; // my_other_float as f64 = use my_other_float like an f64


fn main() {
    let my_float = 5.0; // Rust will choose f64
    let my_other_float = 8.5; // Here again it will choose f64

    let third_float = my_float + my_other_float;


fn main() {
    let my_float: f32 = 5.0;
    let my_other_float = 8.5; // Usually Rust would choose f64,

    let third_float = my_float + my_other_float; // but now it knows that you need to add it to an f32. So it chooses f32 for my_other_float too